Battle of Saipan

American Memorial Park and WWII Veterans Monument

On June 15, 1944, during the Pacific Campaign of World War II (1939-45), U.S. Marines stormed the beaches of the strategically significant Japanese island of Saipan, with a goal of gaining a crucial air base from which the U.S. could launch its new long-range B-29 bombers directly at Japan’s home islands. Facing fierce Japanese resistance, Americans poured from their landing crafts to establish a beachhead, battle Japanese soldiers inland and force the Japanese army to retreat north. Fighting became especially brutal and prolonged around Mount Tapotchau, Saipan’s highest peak, and Marines gave battle sites in the area names such as “Death Valley” and “Purple Heart Ridge.” When the U.S. finally trapped the Japanese in the northern part of the island, Japanese soldiers launched a massive but futile banzai charge. On July 9, the U.S. flag was raised in victory over Saipan.


The ultimate honor was when the project was immortalized on the back of a U.S. minted quarter in 2019.

—David Wollney

American Memorial Park on the island of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands was created as a living memorial honoring the sacrifices made during the Marianas Campaign of World War II. Recreational facilities, a World War I…

American Memorial Park on the island of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands was created as a living memorial honoring the sacrifices made during the Marianas Campaign of World War II. Recreational facilities, a World War II museum, and flag monument keep alive the memory of over 4,000 United States military personnel and local islanders who gave their lives to their country in June 1944.

Built Memorial

Built Memorial

Park Site Plan

Park Site Plan